Mac Optimizer Pro | Blog -
How To / 08.02.2021

No one likes stagnation; this is why macOS developers (just like others) keep bringing new version to table quite frequently. While it's always good, and even recommended, to upgrade to the latest version of your system's OS, sometimes this new one turns to be faulty...

How To / 11.12.2020

Internet Explorer was the default browser for all platforms until Apple released its own browser Safari in 2003. From 2005 onwards, Microsoft discontinued support for Internet Explorer for Mac, and hence for the users of future versions of macOS, installing IE or a newer Microsoft...

How To / 10.12.2020

Installing or Upgrading macOS sometimes does not set up sound settings properly and users experience sound and/or microphone problems. You can pick out your sound options manually to circumvent this issue. Here is a guide with a list of minute adjustments that can rectify strange...